
Showing posts from October, 2017

#Wisconsin #roadtrip. It rained, snowed and then sunshine.

Dickey’s #miniature #circus.

The #freak show @media_ediaz controlling the fog machine in the back.

Our subject is displayed in the ballroom at Al Ringlings house in #baraboo. One of the largest #miniature #circus displays in the world.

We are filming at #rodwurx in #Boise. This restored #bmwisseta is becoming my favorite car. An electric converted one would cost around $40k.

Crew walking the streets of #savannah.

Filming #rowing in south side #chicago.

Listening to #radio. Frame capture from recreations. #tvproduction #canon #convergentdesign

40 years of hard work in #Fresno #california created this amazing place. Multi layer cave dwellings with #Mediterranean vegetation, olive orange, grapefruit trees in the middle of CA.

#early morning #rowing on #carnegielake

Old #vanderbilt #mansion rebuild in #princeton #newjersey

Three days on a 100acre farm in #princeton #newjersey.